Providing affordable and reliable traffic monitoring products through an innovative design and engineering approach using appropriate and up-to-date technologies.
Mikros Systems(Pty) Ltd |
Committee of Transport Officials (COTO): TMH3 Traffic Monitoring & HSWIM Specifications.
Our Product Line
Agrément SA
Accreditation by Agrément SA to the COTO TMH3 Specification:
The South African Committee of Transport Officials (COTO) under the guidance of the South African Roads Agency (SANRAL) have published a comprehensive Traffic Monitoring and HWSIM specification to which Traffic Monitoring eqiupment and service providers must adhere.
The appointed accreditation agency is Agrément SA falls under the auspices of the Public Work Department.
Mikros Systems was the first company to be accredited as Traffic Monitoring Equipment Systems Supplier in accordance with the TMH3 specification.
TMH3 Specifications
TMH3 Spec.pdf 429 KB
Become an accredited Service Provider
Do you want to become a TMH3 accredited traffic counting and monitoring Service Provider?
Mikros will assist you. Contact us at :
For more information: TMH3_Flyer.pdf